Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Pretend you're in front of a green-screen ALL THE FUCKING TIME

Today while sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office, I began to think about the number of people who show up here because they did something to hurt themselves. I then realized that the individuals who throw themselves in harm's way with no intention of gaining anything are the people that we should really be looking up to.

Doctor who cured cancer? Fuck no, I want to see the kid that jumped from the top of his house onto his dad's truck on the news, because that kid has balls and he probably broke both his legs.

Then I began thinking about a bed-ridden cancer patient in front of the green-screen that they used for that highway scene in Matrix Reloaded. The one where Morpheus almost dies.

Fuck. Yeah.


  1. I like this little story. Yeah that kid does have some balls.

  2. Purposely hurting yourself for no good reason is not someone to look up to. Those who push themselves to greatness and achievement are. that guy who can take 20ft drops in a stride and still be safe. That kid doesn't have balls, he just plain idiotic. Now someone who trows themselves in harms way, say jumping down from somewhere high to save someone, those people a re worth admiring.

  3. So, would the cancer patient be riding down the highway in his bed?

  4. live with no fear - thats my moto

  5. Changed my point of view. ALthough, it depends on the situation. If it was just plain stupidity, then no, something small went wrong but still risked it and got an injury then yes.

  6. Life on the edge of a razor mate

  7. visual effects major here i'm in front of a green screen most of my time XD

  8. haha what a great post, made me chuckle!

  9. Wonder if you'll still think the same way in our NHS world here in England.
